Monday, March 25, 2013

Cheers to new beginnings

For three weeks I've been taking advantage of the time off to celebrate the external. Things that exist outside of ourselves. No, I'm not talking of running away from life but chasing it and experiencing it. Traveling is such a great way to forget your troubles and get happy, as Judy Garland once sang. 24 days after my last day at work and I'm finally ready to go within. I decided to leave my job and try something new, something that would have never been an option twenty, even thirty years ago. Most people just stayed in their respective positions to be unhappy or dissatisfied until they retired. I wasn't built that way, never have been. I am very thankful to be afforded this chance to explore what is truly my passion. I hate to use the expression "finding myself" because it has been so overused and cliche but what the hell. I am trying to find myself. Here's to more creativity and more opportunities at what life has to offer us. 

This is something I have been working on for a few days. This may turn out to be a story, a poem or inspiration for a painting. Whatever form it officially takes, it is art nonetheless.

I tried hiding
Behind those walls,
That were tumbling, crumbling down.
Standing naked and standing tall
I stood in my truth
I answered the call.
Like a mirror
To the sunshine
The ocean to the moon
A gift to each other
My heart knows who
Is shining like a beacon
From the outside in
When love is given
And not taken
It’s a sin.

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